Register Your Team

Registration for the 42nd Invitational is now open. See you all April 4-6!

The 2025 Invitational

  • When? This year’s Invitational will take place Friday, April 4 — Sunday, April 6, 2025.

  • Where? Charlottesville, Virginia.

Registration guidelines

  • Registration: Each team must complete a registration form (linked above). We will send invoices for payment to the team captains after your registration form has been completed.

  • Payment: Registration is $950 per team.

    • Payment is accepted via Zelle to, credit card (with an additional $35 processing fee), or check made out to North Grounds Softball League, 580 Massie Rd., Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.

    • If your school is paying the fee, please have them work with us on their preferred payment method.

    • Once you have completed the registration form, we will email you an invoice within a week.

  • Team Structure: Each school may register a maximum of five total teams (including alumni teams). Each team must complete a separate registration form!

  • The UVA Law Invitational welcomes athletes of all gender identities. Our goal is to enable players to participate as their consistently asserted gender identity while providing a fair and safe environment for all players. In the Co-Rec League, once a roster has met the minimum requirement for the number of non-male identifying players on a team, the rest of the roster can be composed of players from any gender. Our rules honor the self-declared gender of all players and enable them to participate in a way that is consistent with their self-identity.

    • Co-Rec League teams that want to play with 10 players in the field must have a minimum of 4 non-male identifying players on the field. If playing with only 9 players, there must be a minimum of 3 non-male identifying players on the field.

    • Open League teams do not have any gender-based restrictions.

  • Alumni Teams: Alumni teams must register in the Open Division. Alumni rosters are not capped. Alumni teams may be composed of players from five groups: (1) alumni of the represented law school; (2) partners/spouses of those alumni; (3) alumni of other law schools; (4) current law students; and (5) legal professionals, such as paralegals and legal recruiters. Members of the latter three groups must be affiliated with the alumni players in some meaningful way (e.g., current colleagues).

  • Contact: If you have questions, please contact Tournament Directors Ginny Reams and Isabel Cook at